Hummingbird Ecuadorian Cloud Forest.jpg

Life in the clouds

Inside the hidden world of the cloud forest. 

Andean Emerald Hummingbird, Ecuadorian Cloud Forest

Andean Emerald Hummingbird, Ecuadorian Cloud Forest

Feeding Hummingbird, Ecuador

Feeding Hummingbird, Ecuador

Blue-winged Mountain Tanager, Ecuadorian Cloud Forests

Blue-winged Mountain Tanager, Ecuadorian Cloud Forests

Cloud Forest Ecuador

Cloud Forest Ecuador

Hummingbird, Ecuadorian Cloud Forest

Hummingbird, Ecuadorian Cloud Forest

Andean Cock-of-the-Rock, Ecuadorian Cloud Forest

Andean Cock-of-the-Rock, Ecuadorian Cloud Forest

Andean Emerald Hummingbird, Ecuador

Andean Emerald Hummingbird, Ecuador

Velvet-purple Coronet hummingbird, Ecuador

Velvet-purple Coronet hummingbird, Ecuador

Rufous Motmot, Ecuador

Rufous Motmot, Ecuador

Purple-bibbed Whitetip hummingbird, Ecuador

Purple-bibbed Whitetip hummingbird, Ecuador

Velvet-purple Coronet hummingbird, Ecuador

Velvet-purple Coronet hummingbird, Ecuador

Purple throated wood star hummingbird, Ecuador

Purple throated wood star hummingbird, Ecuador

Purple-bibbed Whitetip hummingbird, Ecuador

Purple-bibbed Whitetip hummingbird, Ecuador

Andean Cock-of-the-Rock, Ecuador

Andean Cock-of-the-Rock, Ecuador

Giant Hummingbird, Peru

Giant Hummingbird, Peru